sábado, 31 de agosto de 2013


  En español usamos tres formas para saludar: Buenos días, buenas tardes y buenas noches.
  En inglés se usan cuatro formas: "Good morning", "good afternoon", "good evening" y "good night".
      Good morning
  • Es el equivalente a "buenos días". 
  • Se usa desde que te levantas hasta las 11:59. ¡cómo muy tarde!
     Good afternoon
  • Es el equivalente a "buenas tardes".
  • Se utiliza desde las 12:00 hasta las 18:00.

      Good evening
  • Equivale a "buenas noches".
  • Se utiliza desde las 18:00 hasta que se acaba el día.
      Good night
  • Equivale a "buenas noches", pero en el mismo sentido en el que en español decimos "buenas noches, hasta mañana, que duermas bien". Se utiliza antes de ir a dormir. No se usa como saludo, se usa como despedida. 
          Si entras a un establecimiento por la noche y quieres decir "buenas noches" para saludar, has de decir "good evening",  no "good night". 

    Otros saludos y despedidas a tener en cuenta:

Greetings and farewells

Hello/Hi  - Hola
Good-bye- Adiós.
See you later/See you- Hasta luego, nos vemos, nos vemos luego.
How are you?- ¿Cómo estás?.
I am fine- Estoy bien.
Fine, thank's. Bien, gracias
Very well. muy bien
No bad. Nada mal.
What is your name?- ¿Cómo te llamas?
My name is Jenny- Mi nombre es Jenny.
How old are you?- ¿Cuántos años tienes?.
Thank you!. Gracias.

Aqui mostramos un video para practicar, good morning, good afternoon good evening y good night:

Canción de los buenos dias, para iniciar la clase:

Good Morning
Good morning, good morning, good morning
Good morning, good morning, good morning
Good morning, good morning, good morning
Good morning, good morning, good morning
Clap your hands, clap, clap, clap
Stomp your feet, stomp, stomp, stomp
Spin around, spin, spin, spin
Good morning, good morning, good morning
Good morning, good morning, good morning
Good morning, good morning, good morning
Good morning, good morning, good morning

Wash your hands, wash, wash, wash
Shake your hands, shake, shake, shake
Brush your teeth, brush, brush, brush

Good morning!

Hello Song Lyrics:

Hello, hello, hello
Hello, hello, hello
How are you?

Let's make a circle
Good idea!

Let's walk this way(x3)
Good idea!

Hello, hello, hello
Hello, hello, hello
How are you?

Let's clap our hands (x3)
Good idea!

Hello, hello, hello
Hello, hello, hello
How are you?

Hello Song Lyrics:

Hello, hello, how are you today?
Hello, hello, how are you today?

Let's sing our ABCs. A,B,C,D,E,F,G!

Let's count or 123s.1,2,3,4,5 jump! 6,7,8,9,10 jump!

Let's clap, you and me!

Hello, hello, how are you today?
Hello, hello, how are you today?

I'm happy, I'm great, I'm happy to see you!

Here are the Lyrics:

What's your name?
What's your name?
What's your name?
What's your name?

My Name is ____
My Name is ____
My Name is ____
Nice To Meet you!

Dos canciones para despedir la clase:

Goodbye Song Lyrics:

Goobye, goodbye, goodbye!
See you, see you, see you!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Goodbye, see you, thank you!

Goodbye Song

Clap your hands
Spin around
Jump up high
Clap your hands
Sit down
Stand up

Goodbye, goodbye, see you again
Goodbye, goodbye, see you my friends
Goodbye, goodbye, I had fun today
I had fun today

Stomp your feet
Shake your body
Stand still
Stomp your feet
Turn left
Turn right

Goodbye, goodbye, see you again
Goodbye, goodbye, see you my friends
Goodbye, goodbye, I had fun today
I had fun today, I had fun today
I had fun today

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