domingo, 17 de noviembre de 2013


Christmas vocabulary:


Christmas songs:
 S-A-N-T-A Lyrics:
Red hat, white beard, twinkle in his eye.
Santa is his name-o.
And Santa is his name-o.

Red hat, white beard, twinkle in his eye.
Santa is his name-o.
And Santa is his name-o.

Red hat, white beard, twinkle in his eye.
Santa is his name-o.
And Santa is his name-o.

Red hat, white beard, twinkle in his eye.
Santa is his name-o.
And Santa is his name-o.

Red hat, white beard, twinkle in his eye.
Santa is his name-o.
And Santa is his name-o.

Red hat, white beard, twinkle in his eye.
Santa is his name-o.
And Santa is his name-o.
And Santa is his name-o.

Santa, Santa, S-A-N-T-A
Santa, Santa, S-A-N-T-A
1 red hat, 1 red hat
2 twinkly eyes, 1,2
3 white buttons, 1,2,3
Santa, Santa, S-A-N-T-A
Santa can fly, up, up, up
Santa can go down a chimney, down, down, down
Santa can put presents under the tree

Santa, Santa, S-A-N-T-A
Get ready for ready for the Santa dance!
Up, down, up, down
wiggle, wiggle, stop!

Up, down, up, down
wiggle, wiggle, ho, ho, ho!

Up, down, up, down
jump, jump, stop!

Up, down, up, down
jump, jump, ho, ho, ho!
Santa, Santa, S-A-N-T-A
Yay! Santa! Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas (x6)
The sleigh bells go ring, ring, ring
ring, ring, ring
Santa goes ho, ho, ho
ho, ho, ho
Merry Christmas (x6)
The reindeer go up and down
up and down
The star on the tree goes twinkle, twinkle
twinkle, twinkle
Merry Christmas (x6)

Os dejo un especial que hizo la Disney hace unos años de villancicos tradicionales. Hay algunos realmente hermosos:


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